Friday, March 7, 2008

Callaway Pressel Pitch Golf For Women Natalie Gulbis

Natalie Gulbis

The thing that larger of the "The we must make is to show and to explain to the women the benefits of the game of the golf.. Fortified with Callaways set of the randelli of golf, constructed specifically for the new women to the received game and based on input from the golfers feminine, expert instructors and planners, Pressel and briscola he has spoken about the virtues of the game of the golf. On the course of golf, young star of has teamed with, between others, , , and in the stiff competition of the square. The tuesday, partnered with . "Were that he tries to advise to the women to play the game, " Pressel said, that to 18 it has won lanno slid the , of tours dellannuale the greater one in the first place of the season. In means of the concrete haste and the bustle of New York, the main winner more young person in the history of LPGA turn and the daughter of real estate titan have joined to the golf of the step womens on ventunesimo the pavement of the greenhouses to the limbs of torreggiano Chelsea on from the side to the west more low.

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