Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Factbox The Olympic Torch Peace Fraternity And Controversy

Olympic Torch

HISTORY OF THE FLAME: * The race of the flame has been made to work to ancient Atene for honor comprised divinity PROMETHEUS, than, legend has it, it has stolen the fire from of and has carried the wisdom and the acquaintance to humanity.. After that the flame arrives to Beijing 31 March, a second torch will be illuminated from it and will be capacity in the Tibet, in which the Chinese scalatori they will try to take them to the advanced part of the Everest support, the world higher mountain than s, in May. The China has said that not there are programs in order to change the previewed calls of two in Tibet, in which anti-China protests turned violent to Lhasa understood them in half-March. Here they are some facts approximately rel of and the controversies of last and present.

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